Category Archives: General

Enjoying hot pot

Since we had Chhori, we go out only to the restaurants where there is food that Chhori enjoys.

It is because we want Chhori to enjoy the experience and we all want to have fun as a family.

So we haven’t gone for a Hot Pot for a while and were so excited when one of our friends invited us for a Hot Pot dinner at her place.

She is from Thailand and they do amazing hotpot. The good thing is that they love Nepali momo. So we always make momo when they come over and they treat us with hot pot.

When we arrived for dinner, the table was already set with amazing food like fish ball, pork slices, lamb slices, mushroom, green veggies and a variety of sauces.

We really enjoyed the whole experience and the hotpot was delicious.

Chhori enjoyed the food and the company of our friend’s son.

I am glad to have people around us who are a great company and treat us with amazing food.

Do you like hotpot? Do you make them at home?

Take care and happy Friday.

M from nepaliaustralian


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Vivid Wireless Review and Vivid Wireless Referral Code 143388

This post is from my own experience as a customer hoping can help other people who are looking to change their internet provider. Although if someone does use my referral code it will benefit me as well.

When we went to Nepal last March we couldn’t believe that, in Kathmandu they had a lot better internet than what we were getting in Sydney. For developed city like Sydney, we were getting 3-5 mbps internet download speed on ADSL and that on good days.  So when I read news saying that Sydney has one of the worst wired internets for a developed city I was not surprised at all.

We had been thinking about the changing our internet provider for a while but hadn’t got around to it. After we returned from Nepal we found our internet speed going downhill but it was still useable if barely. But for last couple of months the internet just went crazy with drop outs and speed slowing down to 1-2mbps. We talked to our provider but they couldn’t do much so we start to look for other options.

NBN is not going to come to our area for at least a year so we only had a choice between ADSL and wireless internet. ADSL was going to be the same whichever ISP we could go with.

So it came down to the wireless 4G internet for us and with it we could go for something with a potentially faster speed but with the data capped like OVO or Optus 100GB/$70 plans , or with unlimited data with the speed capped like Vivid Wireless. As we do a lot of streaming we chose the second option.

Although Vivid Wireless have both the limited data and unlimited data plans, for our address the only plan available was the unlimited data for $90/month with a maximum of 12 up 1 down Mbps speed. As it is not on a contract but month to month we planned to check it for a few months and change if we didn’t like it.

It look hubby less than 5 minutes to set it up and I haven’t had a single problem with it. So far we are happy to admit that we love it as we get 8-10 mbps. The service is great and reception is good too. It is great if you watch movies using Netflix or other streaming services. No stop and start and no drop outs. I think after having a bad internet connection for so long we were pleasantly surprised at how fast this felt.

We got our modem from the Good Guys and received second month free internet from Vivid Wireless (although I think if you get it from the Vivid Wireless website you will still get the free month). Hubby couldn’t wait for a few days shipping so decided to get it from TGG. We also used a referral code that we got from a friend which gave us another month free. I understand the credits will get applied after we’ve stayed with Vivid Wireless for more than 21 days. This nearly offsets the cost of the modem which was $199.

If you are looking to change to Vivid Wireless Internet, you can use the following referral code when you sign up, you get 1 month free internet and I also get one month free so it is a win-win for the both of us.

 Vivid Wireless Referral Code 143388

Your unique referral URL is

Your unique referral code is 143388

(Your unique referral code are the numbers in your referral URL)

Your friend needs to enter this referral code when they activate their Vivid Wireless account.

If you’re both eligible then you both get a 1 month free data credit

Happy Surfing  🙂

M from nepaliaustralian


P.S: Do not forget to nominate your favourite blog . NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2017

Wait 5 minutes please

As usual I am learning a lot of new lessons in being a parent. I have heard a million times from parents to never say any secret or embarrassing stuff in front of your child because they will repeat it at the most awkward of times.

So we try to be very careful about what we say in front of Chhori. Now that she has started to speak more she tends to repeat whatever we say.

The other day AS was joking and said, “Sexy mama” and immediately Chorri said, “Sexy Sexy Sexy”. When I told to her not to say it she was even more amused and repeated it another few times. We could not help but laugh. Our daughter is definitely growing up.

So I learned that, not only do they learn and repeat embarrassing stuff easily, they also learn everything.

The other day when we were in a department store I told Chhori, “Lets go” and she said, “5 minutes please”. At first I couldn’t believe what she had said so I repeated myself and she did too and that was exactly what she had said. AS was just around the corner and hadn’t hear our conversation. I told him what Chhori said and he didn’t believe me at first but when we tried to leave, Chhori clearly said again, “5 minutes please”.

We used to use that phrase a lot with her when she asked for something and we were in the middle of something so now she has started to do it a lot more now.

“Chhori come out, lunch is ready”

“5 minutes please”

“We are going out now, put on your shoes”

“5 minutes please ”

So you get the idea. Now our life revolves around her 5 minutes 😊😊😊

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Take care.

M from nepaliaustralian


No phone please …

Sometimes we learn so much from kids. As an adult we sometimes forget that kids are so smart and learn so much from their environment.

easter (15)

I mostly feel that Chhori is very small and forget that she already knows so much. She surprised us when she stared to join our conversations. Whenever AS or I ask a question to each other, if she knows the answer, she will say it. Sometimes it has caught us off guard but we love it as it beings a smile to both of our faces.

chhori birthday (3)

Lately we are giving her a lot less screen time so she can play with her toys and be active more. It is working well except that sometimes she will say “TV please mama”.  I see her pretend play with her cars, teddies and dolls. It is so interesting and surprising at the same time as she repeats things that we say to her like ” No baby ” or ” Eat more please” etc.

Yesterday, both AS and I were on our phones updating our grocery list and Chhori was dancing to one of her rhymes and suddenly she came to us and said “No phone mama”. I didn’t quite get it at first but when she said it again, I did and put my phone down. Then she went to AS and said, “No phone papa.” He obliged and she instructed both of us to stand up and start dancing with her.

malaysia (6)

Both of us could not help but laugh as that is what we usually tell her and now she was reminding us of that.

I am loving being a parent to this smart little cutie pie.

Chhori (1)

Do share any unexpected conversation by your kids. I am sure there are some fun and embarrassing ones too.

Have a great day everyone.

M from nepaliaustralian