Newari names for baby

I found that lots of people were landing on my blog searching for Newari names for boy/girl so here is my post to help them out.

Please free to suggest more names so I can keep adding on the list.

Name (Girl) Meaning
Ayela Wine/whisky
Ita Oil lamp
Khusi River
Kusa Umbrella
Hisi/Hisila Cute
Lipi Script
Matina Love
Mihsa Woman
Swaa flower
Teesa Jewellery
Simma Tree











Sun ray






Name (Boy) Meaning
Aanga yard
Bhintuna Wishes
Jaysha Office
Nugaḥ Heart

47 responses to “Newari names for baby

  1. Naresh Dangol

    कृपया मलाइ छोरा बच्चाको लागि नेवारी भाषा मा केही नामहरु सल्लाह दिनुस न।

  2. Can i get some name starting with p or s for a baby girl

  3. you can also add kalash

  4. you can add paleswan=lotus flower

  5. Suggest me a sweet name for baby boy… Thank you all in advance..

  6. urmila pradhan

    pls help me out with more newari names so that i can name my baby girl. Right now her official name is Varumi khozzu Shrestha. i want her nick name to be newari.

  7. Please give me any baby boy newari name starting from’ A’.with meaning.i cant found i had try alot. I will be very thankfull

    • Please give me any baby boy newari name starting from’ A’.with meaning.i cant found i had try alot. I will be very thankfull

  8. What is the meaning of luniva?

  9. Wow! Lots of names!

  10. Neela (Holy water), Bhintuna (congrates), Subaye(Thank you), Nhasala, timila(moon), Dhuku(holy room), paliswa (lotus flower), Chwapu (Mountain/ snow), malakha (Dragon), Yaju( loved one), Lumanti (remembrance), lasata (welcome), Nuga (heart), Nhuche (new house), Nhu (New), gunkera (jasmin), santik (hairband), luza (rising sun), lachi (outdoor), lakhi (rope), dechna (offering), boyeka (to present), Nali (wrist), Bhaju (mr),mayeju(ms.) juju(king), mayekha (peacock),

  11. u can add luswaa (flower made of gold ) 🙂

  12. Subin Kazi Sthapit

    u can add palistha

  13. . I loved it.Mikkha- eye , luja-sunrays, sudrisha ,wonjala are also beautiful

  14. Thanks for these names. I loved it.Mikkha- eye , luja-sunrays, sudrisha ,wonjala are also beautiful

  15. This is really cool … ur site ranks first when searched for Newari name, and that’s how I stumbled here too. Keep up the good work. I had an excel sheet full of names, quite a few I can already see on this list. I can suggest a few more: pala=step, mila=moon, nuga=heart, nhila=smile, neela=sacred water, nhuja=new sun, kipa=photo, naswa=aroma, lumu=warm, chesna=conciousness

  16. Any name for baby girl that gives nice meanings in Newari and sound like English too.


    finally i found the name

  18. Rupa Manandhar

    only few posted, nheela means smiling perfect for baby girl

  19. Buddha Raj Bajracharya

    ayla cannot be person’s name.. and bhintuna,jaysha is not a boy
    ‘s name

  20. suggest some more names plz…these are not enough….

  21. for a girl luniva, manashree, 🙂

  22. Commendable initiative you’ve taken here. Keep up the good work. Best Wishes!

  23. There seems to be ac common newari trend to name girls with a “a” ending. At least that’s what takes place in my family.. Shreejala, sangeeta, rupa, rama, etc

  24. So is “M” a newari name? 🙂

  25. I love the name Lipi..

  26. I love the name Ita!

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