Our Story

Life is funny isn’t it? You live your days as it comes, not caring about the world. Then suddenly one day you meet this person and you can’t imagine your life without him/her. People normally say, “The moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were for me”. I am sure this is how most of your story starts. But for me and AS it was a bit different.

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Here is “Our Story “to know me better. I am still writing more chapters so please come back and read it.

5 responses to “Our Story

  1. I like how you have given a different chapter for all of the different occasions. I will take my time reading it.

  2. It’s so nice to see you writing your story about meeting your husband and the differences in East and West culture. I believe love has no boundaries or boarders so that’s lovely you are living it. Thank you for visiting and following my blog 🙂 ❤

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