Category Archives: Health

Wheatgrass Nepal ( जमराको जुस )

Wheatgrass Nepal

Phone : 5534288 if you are looking for wheatgrass in Kathmandu.

Address : Kumaripati, Lalitpur.

Many people have landed on my blog looking for wheatgrass juice in Kathmandu so hoping this post will help them to find the information faster.

Other posts about wheatgrass:

Take care,

M from nepaliaustralian


P.S: Do not forget to nominate your favourite blog . NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2017

Shingles – a painful experience

Until I got shingles a few weeks ago, I didn’t know what shingles was. So let me first explain what it is.

Shingles is a painful rash which is most common in older adults and people who have weak immune systems because of stress, injury, certain medicines, or other reasons.

Shingles occur when the virus that causes chickenpox get activated again in your body. After you get better from chickenpox, the virus “sleeps” (is dormant) in your nerve roots. In some people, it stays dormant forever. In others, the virus “wakes up” when disease, stress, or aging weakens the immune system.

I had chickenpox as a child but never thought about it until now.

A few weeks ago, I started to have some pain on my left shoulder blade. The first few days, I thought it was due to me sleeping in a wrong position. But the pain didn’t go away after a few days, instead the pain was more intense and at times it was so severe that I was comparing it with labour pain.

When things didn’t get better in day 4, AS insisted I should go and see the physiotherapist and I am so thankful that he did. I was planning to wait a few more days before going to see a doctor otherwise.

So I went and saw my physiotherapist, the next day which was day 5. I explained to him what is happening and explained to him that I can’t remember doing anything in particular but I feel like I have very deep muscular pain for a few days now.

While he was giving me pressure point massage, he saw 4 small rashes on my back, like a pimple had just started.  He examined it closer and was sure it is Shingles. He asked me if I have been stressed later.

There was a lot happening at my work so it had definitely made me stressed with a few sleepless nights as well. But I didn’t think that it was so bad that my body would get Shingles.

Next day, I went to the GP and he confirmed that I have Shingles. He was glad that we caught it early so I can get the special medication (only in first 72 hours of a rash showing up) which was going to heal the rashes sooner. Also he told me to keep taking paracetamol if required, for the pain.

The medication did help the rashes to reduce and it slowly disappeared but the nerve pain didn’t go away so I had to go back to the GP. He prescribed me with codine and panadeine forte which was a relief but I was out of action from work for 10 days.

When I took those medication, I didn’t feel the pain but I felt like a zombie sometimes. I had headache as well as dizziness.  As we always do, I googled to check how long the pain was going to last and it was saying that for some people , the nerve pain lasts up to a year.

I was really scared to read that but thank god, my pain reduced in 2 weeks and I was able to function just on Panadol after that.

Anyway, I am all well and good now. I just wanted to share my experience with you all in case this helps anyone to diagnose the Shingles early. Please do not ignore any pains and aches, just go a GP straight away.

Take care everyone,

M from nepaliaustralian


P.S: Do not forget to nominate your favourite blog . NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2017


Healthy snacks: Roasted Chickpeas

I find that eating healthy is not easy, especially if you snack a lot. I try my best to eat healthy meals and I am happy with that part but when it is the time for a snack, I eat whenever is available which means chocolate, cheese sandwich, biscuits and chips are on the menu too. Of course, everything in moderation is OK but sometimes I know I can go overboard.

Normally, I snack on fruits and dark chocolate at work so I don’t jump to eat other unhealthy options but it gets boring at times.

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I am so happy that I have recently re-discovered Roasted Chickpeas. There are many varieties of chickpeas and most common ones are beige, black, green, red and brown. They are all tasty and healthy at the same time.

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According to experts, they add a low-fat boost of nutrition that supports healthy weight loss. If you Google them, you can find different ways to eat them but I just want to consume the roasted ones right now.

What healthy snack are you munching on? Do share some ideas.

Take care,

M from nepaliaustralian


Specialist visit

When Chhori was around 6 months old, I saw a dark line underneath her left ring finger. She had just started to crawl so I thought she had managed to hit her finger somewhere and it caused a blood clot under her nail. I just checked if she was OK and let it be.

When I cut the nail the next time I noticed that the new nail still had the line so I got a bit worried. I googled it and there were many posts from birth marks to cancer. So we visited our GP to make sure it was nothing to worry about. He checked her and referred her to a specialist to check it further just to be safe.

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It took us almost 2 months to get an appointment and so we finally went for a visit on last Friday. We both took a day off work for the visit.

About 3 hours before the appointment time, I got a text letting me know that the doctor is running an hour late so we adjusted our day accordingly. When we arrived there, we had to wait around 5-10 minutes before it was our turn. In that time, we filled out the paper work and made sure Chhori didn’t break anything while she was busy exploring the place. She has become so active recently that she needs a full time minder when we are out and about. I was scared she might hurt herself or break something.

Chhori (1)

Anyway, when it was out turn the doctor came in and introduced herself. She checked Chhori’s nail and said that it was just a mole and there was nothing to worry about which was quite a relief. She took a photo of her finger in her phone, also under a microscope and asked us to come back next year so she can examine Chhori again for any changes.

I was confused for a while because she was literally done in less than 2 minutes and it was all over so quickly. I can understand that she was busy and all that but we paid $235 for the consultation and it was done in 2 minutes.

Chhori (3)

I am super happy that Chhori is OK and we don’t have to worry about it but at the same time I don’t understand how a dermatologist can get away with charging $235 for a 2 minutes consultation. I guess I am in the wrong profession.

Does anyone out there have a similar experience? Do you think the doctors are getting more money than the service may be worth?

Take care,

M from nepaliaustralian


P.S: Do not forget to nominate your favourite blog. NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2015

BioAge Report

The gym I was going to offered a free BioAge test for the team who won one of their challenges and lucky for me I was in that team. Before that I was not aware of BioAge.

A BioAge assessment gives you an extensive health assessment that will allow you to compare your chronological age with your measured biological age, as well as advice on how to reduce your biological age and improve your longevity.

Source :

For my BioAge test, I had to fill a form which had questions regarding my health and my diet. Then they measured my weight, height, BMI and after that they got me to do a few physical tests like plank, steps, crunches and some more exercises.

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It took around 40 minutes for the entire test to finish and I got the result the next day.

The result stays that my biological age is a lot younger than my chronological age, 8.5 years to be precise.

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I am very happy with the result actually because I have doubts about my fitness at times and with this test I know I am in a good place. I could still build some more strength and could improve it further. One thing I noticed was that not smoking and not drinking alcohol helps to positively increase the gap between the chronological age and the biological age.

Take care everyone,

M from nepaliaustralian


P.S: Do not forget to vote your favorite blog . NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2015