Monthly Archives: December 2011

Happy Birthday AS!

It was AS’s birthday on December 28. As we were on holiday, I didn’t know what to do for his birthday. Before we left for the  holiday, I had contacted the resort we were staying in Vanuatu and asked them if they could bake a cake for me. I was happy when they emailed me back confirming that they could. I tried my best to make it a secret until his birthday. It was really hard to get away from him to talk to the staff there. I also hid his card and gifts in my suitcase. I am so glad he didn’t find them until his birthday.

On the morning of the 28th, I couldn’t sleep as there were thousands of things in my mind. I woke up at 5 am and started planning for his surprise birthday. As we had booked to go for Abseiling at 9am, I needed to execute my plan before 9 am. So I went to talk to the staff to plan everything while AS was still in bed.

As normal, we went to the resort’s restaurant for breakfast. He ordered a big breakfast and I ordered a continental breakfast with fruits. I had instructed the staff to get the cake before we had our breakfast. We were seated by the pool and there were a few  other tables with holiday makers having their breakfast.

I was facing the walk way and AS has his back to it. So when the waiter came with the cake, he didn’t see it at first. I started singing the “Happy Birthday” song and AS thought it was someone else’s birthday so he started singing as well before he turned around and saw the cake and realised that the cake was for him. In the mean time everyone else at the other tables started singing Happy Birthday for him.

I really liked the surprised look on his face after seeing the cake. It was his favourite flavour, double chocolate mud cake. I couldn’t get one any smaller but I was really glad to see it turn out so good. It was just perfect. Then he made a wish and cut the cake. One of the guests was really nice and offered to take some photos of the both of us.

Then it was time to open his gifts. I got him a card, an android tablet and a UFC trainer game for his XBOX. I knew he wanted them so I am glad that he liked them all. He had this big grin on his face that made me really happy.

Then we had our breakfast and went for Abseiling (I will write about this later when I am back in Sydney). It was one of the most fun things we did in Vanuatu.

We came back to the resort to change and were off to the Melanesian dinner (local Vanuatu style dinner with cultural dance show). We really enjoyed the food and dance.

It was a perfect celebration for AS. I was really happy that he enjoyed his day so much.

Start of our tropical holiday

Right now I am on the plane writing  this post. I think there is wi-fi in our resort so I can publish it.

We took a taxi to the airport, no traffic due to the holiday. The airport was really busy as everyone else seemed to have the same idea as we did.

We waited a while for check in as the counters had not opened yet. Once it opened ,we got our boarding pass and headed towards departures. This might be one of the few times I fly that I didn’t have to worry about the luggage allowance. Between us we had only 20kgs. All other times it is a very different story, especially coming back to Sydney. I am one of those people who shops until they drop wherever possible so my suitcases are always full and mostly I hit the baggage allowance easily. I even take up space in AS’s suitcases. 😀

Anyway everyone is wishing us a Merry Christmas. Everyone seems to be in good spirits for the holiday. Happy, cheerful and smiling.


After a quick check-in, immigration and security check we went to have our breakfast. We had pancakes, toasted english muffins, hash browns and coffee. I just love holidays as I don’t need to stress about eating junk foods as my diet is also on a holiday :-).


Getting on the plane I was very excited to be going on this holiday as I’ve always wanted to go to Vanuatu.It was nice and warm in Sydney so hoping for great weather in Vanuatu as well.

Unfortunately AS and I got aisle seats so we are not sitting together but on either side of the aisle. The flight is full so we can’t change our seats but the plane is not big so we can still talk.

I was browsing through inflight magazine. They mention lots of activities. Looks like our one week will be too short there. Anyway we gonna enjoy as much as possible. I guess if I had longer holiday then I will be going somewhere further anyway. They just served us meals,the choice was ham or turkey with veggies, salad and Christmas pudding. I am not the big fan of on board meals so it was normal I guess. I think everywhere there is Christmas influence including our meal.

There is a french couple next to me right now who are sleeping.Something about French ascent that I really love. I think it sound sexy 🙂

I am so looking forward to go to France next year. I am sure I will fall in love with the country as soon as I land there. I have heard so much about the city of love that I am already in love with France right now.

AS is busy playing angry bird in his new tablet. He seems chilled with his beer and dessert. He just smiled at me(that is one of the think I loved about him.). It feel so blessed to have a husband who wants to travel with me. I think that was one of the criteria on my list for my future husband when I was single.

There is a small boy infront of AS seat who is looking at me for last few minutes. He seems to be around 4 years old .I think either he wants my phone or he loves my new bling bling cover for my phone .He is travelling with his parents and 3 siblings. They seem to be all under 5. Sometimes I wonder how they manage to have so many small children in short time. I am not even ready to have one right now. It always scare me to even think about it. To travel with so many small kids must be hard but then for every parents looking at their little ones must be the best thing in the world.

There are few people around me wondering what I am typing for last half and hour. I thought I will write something when I had some time as I am sure I will be super busy in having fun for next few days 😀

Still half an hour before we land. Pilot just announced that there is turbulence on the way and have our seat belt fasten. I am not very scared but I always wished to have a flight without all those jerks and sudden moments. My worst one has been on the flight to Christchurch, New Zealand. The flight dropped so suddenly for few seconds that I thought I was going to die. Anyway hope this one is not that bad.

Also pilot announced that due to heavy traffic in Port Villa airport, our flight will be 10 minute delayed. I guess I will be seeing lots of holiday makers in Vanuatu then.

Just gonna sit back and relax now.

Vanuatu here we come

One of the main reasons I love Christmas time is that we get time off from work. Normally I take my annul leave and go for a long holiday some where. For the last 6 years, I made sure that I was not in Sydney, if not in Australia at this time of the year. 

This year both me and AS have ten days off so we decided it was time to have one more stamp on our passports. After looking for reasonable deals for months, finally we found a deal within our budget so we will be going to Vanuatu during our year end break. 

Vanuatu is an island country in the Pacific which is three and a half hours flight from Sydney. It has 83 islands so we expect to have a great tropical holiday. They seem to have lots of activates like Abseiling, Parasailing, Semi Submarine, Cruises and much more. It also has the world’s most active and accessible volcano, Mt Yasur, and the world’s largest shore wreck dive the President Coolidge located just off the shore of Espirito Santo. 

So flights and hotels have been booked. Visa has been arranged and bags are packed. I got our snorkelling gears, swimmers, towels, summer dress and the all important sun screen lotion. I am really excited as I have wanted to go there for years. Finally, we are going. Hopefully the weather will be sunny and nice and not too hot. 

I have been looking at Trip Advisors for activities. There seems so many good things so I can’t wait to dive in the water and start having fun. One of the things I want to do is the Ocean Walker, if things work out according to plan. I have already done something similar in the Great Barrier Reef in Cairns and it is one of the easiest ways to be up close and personal with marine life. Ohoo! thinking about all the fun we are going to have is making me giddy already. Can’t wait to get on that plane  🙂

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!

21 Dec 2011

You might be wondering what I am going to write about 21 December 2011. Actually it started out as any normal day yesterday but then I couldn’t believe my joy when I logged into my blog. I have reached a milestone of 10,000 views but the amazing thing was I got 700+ hits yesterday. It may be normal traffic on some of your blogs but my highest has been 300+ so to have so many hits made my day. 

When I first started blogging back in September I wasn’t even sure if anyone would read what I wrote but gradually I was happy to see traffic on my site. This month I was also given awards, four of them :).  Now I am very proud to say that I have a few regular readers who shower me with their love, support, comments and likes. You know I am talking about you :). So thank you so much. I wouldn’t have come this far without your support. 

Starting a blog has helped me to connect with lots of like minded people and introduced me to some wonderful human beings. Also, reading others blogs have given me great insights on lots of topics which I would not have known otherwise. So Thank You to all who read, commented, liked and supported me so far. Hope to have the same love and support in the future as well.

Happy reading and thank you once again!!!


Liebster Blog Award : The Karma continues again…

Ohoo it was so nice to receive another award and I am thankful to Taswin  for honouring me with the Liebster Blog Award. Thank you so much for your wonderful words and for visiting my blog. Your support is highly appreciated. 

What is a Liebster Blog Award?

It’s an award to draw attention to blogs that are terrific but have less than 300 followers but deserves a lot more recognition and is all in the spirit of fostering new connections. 

Liebster means dearest, favorite or sweetest in German. This award is presented to the blogs which are your favorite, meaning, if you receive this award from a blogger then you are among their favorite blogs.

The Rules for the Liebster Blog Award are:

  • Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
  • Reveal your 5 top picks for the award and let them know by linking to their blog.
  • Post the award on your blog.
  • Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the blogosphere – other   bloggers.
  • Best of all – have fun and spread all that good blogging karma.

I would like to take this opportunity to award following blogs the Liebster Blog Award. You are not obligated to do anything. This is just my way of showing my appreciation for your blog and letting you know that I love the way they write.

 goodness gracious me  

Nice blog. You have written so much on Nepali culture that it feels good to learn from you. Loved your post Anatomy of an Arranged Marriage series 🙂


I would have never learnt about so many cultures of India without your blog. And I love the humour you add to traditional Arranged Marriage and traditional culture. Keep blogging 🙂 

Cynically Engineered

One of the most entertaining blogs that I have come across till date. I know you have paused blogging for now but hoping you will come back and share your witty sense of humour and great writing style again. 


Joana I love your blog. It is nice to read your thinking and learn about your dreams. Loved your Christmas list, hope you get everything on that for Christmas this year. 😀 

Love in London

Love reading your experience of your intercultural relationship. Hope you are having a great time with your mum this holiday season.

Thank you all both for your kind words and for the support.