Tag Archives: M from nepaliaustralian

Chhori turns 4 !!!

Another year has gone by so quickly and our dear Chhori is turning 4 today.

Dear Chhori,

The day you were born was the greatest moment of our life. We never knew we could love something so tiny so much, but the day you came into our life we were overwhelmed by all the love we had for you.

Watching you grow up has been such a joy, and we know that only greatness lies ahead for you. May your birthday be just as spectacular as you are.

Happy 4th birthday sweetheart!

Love mama and papa

M from nepaliaustralian


I miss you when you go to work

During Christmas and New Year, all of us took 2 weeks off from work and childcare. We had an amazing time as a family and a great holiday in Melbourne.

The first day back to childcare, while we were talking,

Chhori: “Mama, I will miss you when you go to work.”

It really touched my heart. I really wished we had more time off but life has to go back to normal.

Me: “I will really miss you when you are in childcare too but I will see you in the evening at home baby.”

Now, most of the days when I drop her to childcare, she says that she will miss me.

Sometimes when we kiss goodnight, she will say, “Mama, I will miss you when I go to sleep.”

My baby is growing up so fast. She is such an important part of our life and reason for our existence.

I wish our relationship will remain the same as she grows up.

M from nepaliaustralian


I am boring

When kids start talking sometimes they don’t know how to construct a proper sentence but definitely know what they want to say so this is one of our conversation with Chhori during our trip to Melbourne. It was Day 2 of our trip. 

 Chhori: “Mama papa, I am boring? 

We looked at each other. 

AS: “Do you mean you are bored Chhori? 

Chhori: “No I am boring, I want to go to my brother’s (my nephew) house to play. I am boring.” 

Me: “So you are bored. That is what you should say, you are not boring.” 

Chhori: “No mama, I am boring 

She definitely was bored that day as it was raining in Melbourne and we took her shopping the whole day but she was adamant she was not bored, she was boring 🙂 

M from nepaliaustralian


Second winner 🥈 🥈

When we moved home, I have moved Chhori’s childcare as well.

One of the things she has learned in this new center is second winner. I am still not sure I agree or not but it seems to help Chhori understand second is ok sometimes.

Me: “Hurry up and finish brushing the teeth otherwise papa will be first and you will be last.”

Chhori: “NO mama, I will be first winner and Papa will be second winner. It is ok to be second winner sometimes.

AS seems to think that it is good to learn things like this so they accept not being first but I think I want her to understand the different between first and last, not everyone can and need to be a winner.

Do share your thought about it. 

Take care ,

M from nepaliaustralian

Rainbow colour🌈🌈🌈

Chhori is 3.5 years old now and she is getting so smart day by day. The other day, AS wanted her to wear a twinkle toes shoes which was purple in colour but lights up in different colours.

So the father daughter had the following conversation

Chhori : “Papa I want a rainbow shoes please.”

AS: “Put on these shoes (pointing to the purple shoe), it has rainbow lights, red, blue, pink, white and black.

Chhori: “No papa, that’s is not a rainbow” and started singing the song.

Red and yellow and pink and green, Purple and orange and blue

I can sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow too

That is rainbow papa, not white and black and other colours.”

AS: “Ohoo Sorry, I meant colourful shoes.”

Now who can argue with her as she is telling the facts?

I love to eavesdrop into father daughter conversation, it always manages to make me smile.

Take care everyone,

M from nepaliaustralian


P.S: Do not forget to nominate  your favorite blog .

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