Monthly Archives: December 2016

Happy Birthday AS: a loving husband and an incredible father

Today we are celebrating AS’s Birthday so I want to wish the love of my life on his special day.

Happy Birthday to the most incredible, loving, caring husband and father on the face of the planet! Each day with you is a sign of great blessings and hopes for the future. You make us happy like no one can. Chhori and I love you to the moon and back! Thank you so very much for loving us the way you do.🎉🎊🎂🎁🎊🎉⌚️

In the morning,  we celebrated the birthday as per Nepali tradition with Sagun and tika.

as-birthday-2 as-birthday-3 as-birthday-4 as-birthday-5

Chhori made it extra special by saying Happy Papa :). She is still learning to speak. She gave him his birthday card and gift.

as-birthday-6 as-birthday-1

I baked him a Nutella mud cake and I am glad he liked it.

birthday-cake-1Tonight we are going out for dinner and it will be a perfect end to the celebration.

Take care everyone,

M from nepaliaustralian



Make sure your blog and the blogs you read are nominated so they can win the title.

Merry Christmas everyone !!!

Just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas from Oz land !!!

May this holiday season sparkle and shine. May all your wishes and dreams come true and may you feel this happiness all year round!!!

Chhori had great fun opening her presents. She was spoiled by everyone around us with lovely presents.

chhori-christmas-1 chhori-christmas-2 chhori-christmas-3 chhori-christmas-4 chhori-christmas-5 chhori-christmas-6

We are going away for a couple of days to Blue Mountains and Jenolan Caves  with my parents and brother’s family. I will update you about our road trip when we come back.

Till then enjoy the holiday season everyone and take care everyone,

M from nepaliaustralian



Make sure your blog and the blogs you read are nominated so they can win the title.

Our pigeons have babies!!

Remember my last post regarding the pigeons in our balcony?

The eggs they laid hatched and now there are two cute baby pigeons. I got a video of them with the mum/dad. Look how cute they are.  🙂

I hope everyone is happy and busy right before the holiday season.

Wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

christmas chhori

Take care everyone,

M from nepaliaustralian



Nominations open for NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2016

Make sure your blog and the blogs you read are nominated so they can win the title.

We have got a new guest at our place 

I am sure I have mentioned here before that we live in an apartment but we have a good sized balcony. We have converted the balcony into a garden with artificial grass and pot plants.


We also have a nice comfy outdoor sofa as in the photo .


We love the balcony as we can relax and enjoy the winter afternoons and also use it for entertainment and BBQ.

These days Chhori loves the space too as she can run on the grass and she loves to water the plants as well. She also loves climbing up and down the sofas and the table 🙂

chhori (1)

Anyway it is the start of summer now in Sydney and we have been seeing lots of birds coming to our balcony which include the Indian myna and pigeons and an occasional parrot too. But recently we noticed that there are pigeons on the balcony almost all the time.

I quite like it because we are teaching Chhori words and I can show her real birds now and not just pictures. A couple of weeks ago, while I was sitting on the sofa, suddenly a pigeon came flying out from under the sofa and scared the crap out of me. It was so sudden and I was not expecting that.

My mum and AS also observed that there was more frequency of the pigeons on the balcony. One day while we were sitting on the outdoor sofa a pigeon tried to come to the balcony but flew away as we were there but it would check in every 5 or 10 minutes so we were kind of surprised. Seeing this behaviour I causally mentioned that may be the pigeons had laid eggs here so they are coming back so often. Out of curiosity, AS checked under the sofa and lo and behold, there were two tiny pigeon’s eggs right at the back. It was a very surprising discovery for us and we didn’t know what to do next.

As normal, we Googled to find out some more information on what to do next. The best answer we found was to leave them there until the baby pigeons arrive and clean the area once they fly away. I think the eggs have been there for more than 10 days or so and we think the eggs should hatch in the next week or so.

I think the mother and father take turns to sit on the eggs and mostly there is one bird under the sofa all the time.

After the discovery we try not to go out in the balcony that often as we don’t want to scare the pigeons. But we are very curious to see the baby birds soon. I hope they have healthy babies. I will keep posting the updates about our new guests soon.

If you have any tips for me , please do share.

Take care everyone,

M from nepaliaustralian



Nominations open for NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2016

Make sure your blog and the blogs you read are nominated so they can win the title.