Monthly Archives: September 2018

Getting organised in our new home

As we set up our new home, I want to get really organized.

So I have goals for each room and each cupboard.

So far I have done our pantry and linen cupboard.

In the pantry, I am using lots of baskets and lazy Susan and storage containers to have easy access to everything. All the containers are see-through and all baskets are labeled so AS and I know where everything goes.

It is so true that if you have room and place for everything, then the pantry will never be messy and that is what I want to achieve.

With spices, as 12 jars are not enough, I made my own spice rack with 3 tier fruit basket with a lazy susan under it. I used small clear glass jars with labels to know exactly what each jar contains. I am so happy about this particular trick and I got inspired from the Facebook group called Mums who organise. I am also using lazy susans to store all sauces and spreads so they are easily accessible.

With the linen cupboard, I am separating items by size so I have a basket for queen sheets and single sheets and hand towel and bath towel and cot sheets. This way I know which basket to go for when I am looking for something.

So far I am happy to have achieved what I have planned. Next will be the kitchen storage cupboard and all our bathroom.

I will keep you posted.

Please share your tips and tricks to organise the house. I would really appreciate it.

Take care ,

M from nepaliaustralian

P.S: Do not forget to nominate  your favorite blog .

Nominations open for NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2018

Nominations open for NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2018

Like very year, I am hosting Nepaliaustralian’s Blog Award.

Nepaliaustralian’s Blog Awards celebrates the best in blogging with 8 winners being announced at Jan 2019.

Every year many blogs are created to express thoughts and emotions. Some are really interesting while others are funny. While some choose to share about their life or relationship others share their skills and passion like cooking, photography or fashion. No matter what field the blog belongs to, if it is good, it needs to be recognized and more and more people should be able to reach these blogs.

Please nominate your favorite blogs in following the categories.

1.       Best Blog 2018

2.      Best Photo Blog 2018

3.      Best Food Blog 2018

4.      Best Travel Blog 2018

5.       Best Fashion Blog 2018

6.      Best Personal Blog 2018

7.       Most Diverse Blog 2018

8.      Best New Blog 2018 (Blog must be started in 2018)

 The rules:

  • Any pages with dated entries that existed at some point during the year 2018 are eligible.
  • Only one nomination from one person per category. You can nominate the same blog for multiple categories. Please leave  comments with your nominations as below. Your comments won’t be visible to anyone.

Award category                               Blog name                        Blog/Post URL

  • You can nominate your own blog .
  • Nominations close on 8 December 2018.
  • After nominations close, I will post the top 5 blogs in each category and you can vote for them. The Blog Award will be announced in Jan 2019.
  • E-mail addresses or blog addresses are required to vote.

Please write a post in your blog about this award or reblog this post so your readers can nominate you for the award. There are buttons at the end of this post for you to share or you can use the link below.

Nominations open for NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2018

Also add the image below with the link on the side bar of your blog so your readers can click there and reach this post to nominate you.

You can Facebook or Tweet this post so that more people become aware of your blog and this blog award.

Good luck everyone!!!

M from nepaliaustralian





My little Ballerina 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻

We have enrolled Chhori into Ballet class and she is over the moon.

She is a big fan of Emma wiggle and Angelina ballerina so when we bought her the ballet costume and shoes, she was so happy that she was dancing all day.

She loves to show her ballet dance (which she is yet to master) to everyone who come and visit us. She even tries to teach me the steps and she says that she is a teacher and I am her student  🙂

I know I am biased but she looks super cute in her Ballerina outfit.

Have a great week everyone.

Take care ,

M from nepaliaustralian


Konichiwa Japan

We booked our trip to Japan and Korea last year, more than 6 months in advance. I was really excited because I had always wanted to go to Japan and going to Korea was a bonus.

We did some research about Japan before booking the hotels. We quickly realised that hotels are quite expensive and small in Japan but we were still very excited to go.

We started telling Chhori about our holiday a few months in advance so she was so excited about it too. She would tell people and even her friends in Childcare that she will be going to Japan and Korea in such a cute voice.

Anyway finally the day came and we all packed and headed to the airport.

We flew Qantas and it was one of the best flights we have had. The service and food were both amazing and I am definitely going to fly with them more often.

We first flew from Sydney to Melbourne where we had a 3 hour stopover then 9 hours to Tokyo.

Chhori was amazing in the flight with no dramas. She ate her food and was busy watching Peppa pig on her tablet. She napped for a few hours and was fresh again before we landed.

It was evening when we landed in Tokyo and it was quite nice as we went from cold winter to nice warm summer.

After we collected our luggage, we went and got a sim card and tickets to the bus. The hotel was a bit away from the city so it was cheaper to catch a bus from the airport and then a cab the rest of the way.

The hotel was great location with a metro station just next to it but the room was a bit small as we had known.

The bathroom was just enough to fit a bathtub, toilet and wash basin.

The toilet fascinated us with so many buttons. If you don’t know what I am talking about, just imagine a toilet with auto lid and seat where you can adjust the seat temperature. The toilet where you can use water to clean but it is all automatic with adjustable water temperature and multiple water outlet to spray your bottom. The toiles also had features like self-sterilizing nozzles, air deodorizer, adjustable water pressure, noise/music player, warm air dry, night light etc. to name some.

The toilets definitely kept us amused and it was fun to discover the different features while were in the loo.

That day we were too tired to do anything so we just ate dinner and went to bed.

We had an amazing time in Tokyo and I will post about all our experience in the coming post.

Till then take care everyone,

M from nepaliaustralian



Double Father’s Day Celebration

As we celebrate both Nepali Father’s Day and Australian Father’s Day, we had a great time with both the celebrations.

For the Australian one, Chhori and I baked a cake and surprised AS with breakfast in bed.

Chhori helped me with cooking and baking and was over the moon with her cupcake.

With Nepali Father’s day, I prepared Sagun and Chhori followed the ritual with AS.

I am so proud to say that she is such a good girl that we don’t have to worry at all. All I have to do is instruct and she will do the process and enjoy the whole thing too.

Please click the link if you are interested in knowing more about the Nepali father’s day.

Hope all the fathers had a great time celebrating Father’s Day.

Happy Weekend everyone 🙂

M from nepaliaustralian