Monthly Archives: April 2015

Please HELP and PRAY for Nepal and its people

First of all thank you everyone who contacted me with concern about my loved ones in Nepal. My and AS immediate families are safe but there thousands out there who need our help.

I am sure most of you are aware that Nepal has been hit by 7.9 magnitude earthquake on April 25, 2015 and there is widespread devastation across the country. The death toll, approaching 2,000, continues to rise as search and rescue efforts are underway in Kathmandu and across the country. People are still trapped under collapsed buildings in Kathmandu, and there is no way to accurately guess how many are in need throughout the other cities and thousands of villages at this time.

The Kathmandu as I knew has changed forever as hundreds of buildings have collapsed including many homes and many of Nepal’s ancient and iconic temples and monuments.

The immediate need on the ground is for medical support, search and rescue, emergency shelters and food and water among many other things. As the days, weeks and months go by and after the humanitarian needs are addressed, Nepal will need to begin the healing and rebuilding process.

Countries like Australia, England, India, China, America, Canada, Israel, Germany, Japan and many others have sent  search and rescue teams as well as much needed aid. But people of Nepal need every possible help to recover and rebuild so I am requesting each of you to please donate generously and spread the word.

Please click the link below and give whatever you can. I know every dollar will count and people of Nepal will forever be grateful for the help .

Thank you all for your support. Please keep Nepal and the people from Nepal in your prayers. Though shattered and shocked may God give the people of Nepal all the strength and courage to get through this most difficult of times.

P.S.: Please be careful when you donate and make sure every dollar you donate is going to the right place. Beware of deceptive people/organisation who may be taking advantage of the situations.

My extra special Aama ko Mukh herne (Nepali Mother’s day)

As I have mentioned in many of my posts before, Nepal has a different calendar than the Gregorian calendar. So in Nepal people also celebrate Mother’s day on a different day than the western calendar. In Australia, Mother’s Day is the second Sunday of May every year but in Nepali calendar, it depends on the moon. It falls on the last day of the dark fortnight of April or early May. This year, it happened to be on 18 April 2015. It is commonly known as Aama ko Mukh herne in Nepal which translates to “Looking at one’s mother’s face”.

This year Aama ko Mukh herne was extra special because my mum is here with me. The last time we were together for Aama ko Mukh herne was more than a decade ago so I was really excited.

To make the day special for her I prepared Sagun, baked cupcakes and a cake. I also bought a dress, a nice watch, fruits, sweets and snacks.

Aama ko Mukh herne (1) Aama ko Mukh herne (4) Aama ko Mukh herne (3) Aama ko Mukh herne (2)Aama ko Mukh herne (12)

It was amazing to do the Aama ko Mukh herne ritual in person as compared to on Skype Aama ko Mukh herne.

Aama ko Mukh herne (5)Aama ko Mukh herne (6)Aama ko Mukh herne (7)Aama ko Mukh herne (8)

Mummy was really happy and I am glad I was able to make her feel special.

Aama ko Mukh herne (10)Aama ko Mukh herne (11)

Also this is my first Aama ko Mukh herne as a mum and just looking at Chhori smiling in the morning made my day extra special.

Aama ko Mukh herne, Mata Tirtha, Nepali Mother’s day

So if you haven’t called your mum to wish her, do give her a call and make her smile. And to all the proud moms out there, Happy Aama ko Mukh herne.

Till  next post take care everyone,

from nepaliaustralian



WARNING: if you are eating, about to eat or just finished eating, come back later to read this post.

As you know I am new mother and motherhood brings so many new things to learn. For this week, the new word I learned was Poonami.

If you are a mum, you probably already know about it but for everyone else let me educate you. We are all familiar with No.1 and No.2. Yes I am talking about pee and poo. But do you know that in case of newborn there is a No.3 as well?

I was in a Mother’s group meeting when this came up and within a few minutes one of the bub showed us a classic example.

After a period of 6 weeks newborns sometimes have one bowel movement every 7-10 days. Yes, it is normal if you are breastfeeding. Babies keep all the nutrients that they need from your breast milk, and don’t poop as much or as often. Then when they do poo, that is what is called Poonami.

The wave created by the taking of a massive dump is poonami. Let me tell you, when it does happen, the diapers will be of no use and poo will go everywhere. The clean-up will take sometime and you hope that when it happens you are at home and not out and about.

Thankfully Chhori hasn’t done it yet but I am sure there will be one in my future as it is normal with newborns.

Till  next post take care everyone,

from nepaliaustralian


Happy Easter!!!

Hello everyone,

Wishing you a very Happy Easter that is filled with plenty of love and happiness.

M and Chhori

Easter Bunny Meekha