Monthly Archives: November 2017

Vivid Wireless Review and Vivid Wireless Referral Code 143388

This post is from my own experience as a customer hoping can help other people who are looking to change their internet provider. Although if someone does use my referral code it will benefit me as well.

When we went to Nepal last March we couldn’t believe that, in Kathmandu they had a lot better internet than what we were getting in Sydney. For developed city like Sydney, we were getting 3-5 mbps internet download speed on ADSL and that on good days.  So when I read news saying that Sydney has one of the worst wired internets for a developed city I was not surprised at all.

We had been thinking about the changing our internet provider for a while but hadn’t got around to it. After we returned from Nepal we found our internet speed going downhill but it was still useable if barely. But for last couple of months the internet just went crazy with drop outs and speed slowing down to 1-2mbps. We talked to our provider but they couldn’t do much so we start to look for other options.

NBN is not going to come to our area for at least a year so we only had a choice between ADSL and wireless internet. ADSL was going to be the same whichever ISP we could go with.

So it came down to the wireless 4G internet for us and with it we could go for something with a potentially faster speed but with the data capped like OVO or Optus 100GB/$70 plans , or with unlimited data with the speed capped like Vivid Wireless. As we do a lot of streaming we chose the second option.

Although Vivid Wireless have both the limited data and unlimited data plans, for our address the only plan available was the unlimited data for $90/month with a maximum of 12 up 1 down Mbps speed. As it is not on a contract but month to month we planned to check it for a few months and change if we didn’t like it.

It look hubby less than 5 minutes to set it up and I haven’t had a single problem with it. So far we are happy to admit that we love it as we get 8-10 mbps. The service is great and reception is good too. It is great if you watch movies using Netflix or other streaming services. No stop and start and no drop outs. I think after having a bad internet connection for so long we were pleasantly surprised at how fast this felt.

We got our modem from the Good Guys and received second month free internet from Vivid Wireless (although I think if you get it from the Vivid Wireless website you will still get the free month). Hubby couldn’t wait for a few days shipping so decided to get it from TGG. We also used a referral code that we got from a friend which gave us another month free. I understand the credits will get applied after we’ve stayed with Vivid Wireless for more than 21 days. This nearly offsets the cost of the modem which was $199.

If you are looking to change to Vivid Wireless Internet, you can use the following referral code when you sign up, you get 1 month free internet and I also get one month free so it is a win-win for the both of us.

 Vivid Wireless Referral Code 143388

Your unique referral URL is

Your unique referral code is 143388

(Your unique referral code are the numbers in your referral URL)

Your friend needs to enter this referral code when they activate their Vivid Wireless account.

If you’re both eligible then you both get a 1 month free data credit

Happy Surfing  🙂

M from nepaliaustralian


P.S: Do not forget to nominate your favourite blog . NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2017

Things Chhori says

Before I had a baby, everyone told me how much faster life flies by when you have kids. And I believed them in the same way someone who has never experienced it does.

But now being a mother myself, I know exactly what they mean. Chhori is already 2.5 years old and it is hard to deny how time has flow by so quickly. Sure, sometimes I wish I could still hold her, swaddled in a blanket, like the day she came home for the very first time from the hospital. But those moments are fleeting.

The other day, she came and slept on my lap after a long time and it felt so good. She is still this tiny person but things that come out of her mouth surprise me all the time.

The other night I finished making the bed and she said, “Thank you for making my bed mama.” No one taught her that but it is so nice to hear that.

The other day I was in our driveway waiting for the automatic door to open so I took one of my hands off the wheel and she said, “Mama, please drive with both hands.”

I was reversing into the car spot so I unbuckled my seat belt so that I could see properly and Chhori told me, “Please don’t take off your seat belt mama.”

She wanted me to dance with her so she said, “Stand on the circle and do like this, (lift one foot off the ground) and clap like me.”

And there are times she comes and complains about her Papa or her cousins,

Mama, mama, B dada is not sharing toys with me.”

Mama, papa said No

Mama, papa not play with me.”

Mama, I want PJ masks toy, B dada is not sharing with me.”

“I am Owlette, papa is Catboy and mama , you are Gecko. We are PJ Masks family.”

The list keeps on growing but whatever the conversation is, I am really enjoying a lot. Don’t get me wrong, there are time when she irritates me by repeating the same thing again and again but most of the time I love her company and her unconditional love.

Take care,

M from nepaliaustralian


P.S: Do not forget to nominate your favourite blog . NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2017

Double celebration – Australia said YES and Socceroos wins

After a long drawn out postal survey, the result was announced yesterday and Australia has said YES to same-sex marriage.

More than two months after the survey forms began arriving in the mail boxes and longer still since the Yes and No campaigns kicked off, ABS chief statistician David Kalisch revealed the decision: “61.6 per cent of clear responses were yes”. Australians rejoice as the result was announced.

It is a big step for all Australian to take a decisive step towards legislating marriage equality.

I voted YES but I met lots of people around me who voted NO. I know some people put their reason as religion while others think it is wrong. But for me, it is all about giving everyone the same chance to be with the person they love, no matter if they are gay or straight.

Next step is for it to go through the parliament to pass the bill to make it all legal. It is expected to happen before Christmas.

In another great news, Australian soccer team, Socceroos beat Honduras 3-1 to qualify for the FIFA World Cup in Russia.

It was a great game and I am looking forward to watching the FIFA World Cup next year.

Hope all of you are having a great day like I am.

Take care.

M from nepaliaustralian


P.S: Do not forget to nominate your favourite blog . NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2017


Party time and Chhori

The second half of the year is very busy for us socially. Almost every weekend we have functions like birthday or pasni or something else. There is also Dashain and Tihar followed by my own birthday, AS’s birthday .these months are a bit chaotic.

We have been going out so much lately that on weekend, this is what Chhori asks the first thing in the morning.

Chhori : “No work today Mama.”

Me: “No because it is a weekend.”

Chhori (screams): “Yes weekend!” (Even though she probably doesn’t understand what it means 🙂 )

Me: “Yes baby.”

Chhori: “We have party today?”

Me: “Not today, so and so will come to our house for dinner tonight.”

Chhori: “So party tomorrow?”

Most of the time the answer is yes so she thinks weekend means party  🙂

One of her teacher from childcare asked me last week if we have a party every weekend. I was surprised and asked her why she asked that.

Apparently every Monday when Chhori goes back to the child care, they asked her what she did and her answer was always that we went to a party for didi (sister) or bhai (brother) or aunty etc. They thought she was making all these answers up but she definitely was telling the truth. I am so tried during the weekends that sometime I look forward to a Monday to rest  🙂

Out of some of them have been big events where I dress in traditional outfits and I love it.

Also Chhori loves to dress in her princess outfits.

She has been very social lately and loves to dance when we go to these parties.

Last weekend we had AS’s cousin’s party and we were all sitting on the table eating the entrée. Chhori decided to dance after her food and was just standing around our table. After a while she came to me and this is the conversation I had with Chhori.


Chhori: “Mama, I love party.”

Me: “That’s good, I love party too.”

Chhori: “Please stand up.”

Me: “No, I want to sit for a while.”

Chhori pulling my hand: “Please stand up

Standing up and following her to the dance floor: “Now you go and dance.”

Chhori: “Mama, stand here and take my photo please.”

Then she starts dancing. I was speechless and didn’t know how to respond and what to do expect laugh and take pictures of her.

My baby is growing up so fast. 

Take care,

M from nepaliaustralian


P.S: Do not forget to nominate your favourite blog . NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2017

My birthday weekend with Halloween Themed birthday bash

I guess it is correct when they say age is just a number. I am getting older but I don’t feel any different than what I felt 5 years ago. As the birthday passes every year, I have not started to feel older yet.

Any way, 28 October, Saturday was my birthday and I had 3 days of celebration, thanks to my friends and family.

On Friday, we had organized a girls’ night out with a few of my friends. It was so much fun with 11 girls going out for dinner, drinks and dance. As our better half looked after our kids at home, we met up in the city and went to Pancake on the Rocks for dinner.

The dinner went well with lots of fun and laughter. The food was good and the company was the best and it was a great start to the night.

There was one moment when two kids came out from the bathroom with their mum and all the mums in our group were looking at them and thinking about their own kids. I guess we can never stop being a mum in our hearts no matter where we are.

After dinner, we went to Marquee night club for their Zoo night. It was advertised as “Sydney just got wilder… with glamorous dancers, tons of confetti, blasts of CO2, suspended jungle vines and golden animals, Marquee Zoo has arrived. The new face of Friday nights at Marquee, Zoo features pumping party music you can get down and dirty to, coupled with a crazy party atmosphere unlike anywhere else in the city.”

We were all excited for the night and were at the venue by 10pm. When we arrived, there were not many people at the club so we started the night with a few shots of tequila.

As the night went on, more people started to arrive and it started to be more fun. Initially, I felt like maybe I was too old to be clubbing but as the night went on and we started dancing, we had so much fun that everything seemed perfect.

The girls even sang “Happy Birthday” for me at midnight which was just sweet.

We danced till 2pm and then decided to go home. We caught Uber home and I was home by 2:40am. I think it has been more than 5 years since I have had this big a night out.

When I was home, I was expecting Chhori and AS to be in bed but to my surprise, AS was still awake and working on the decoration for our party on Saturday night. The feature wall was coming along nicely and I was so impressed. I am sure his engineering skills was put to good use 🙂

I stayed awake for another hour and we went to bed and it was almost 4am.

At 6:30, I could hear Chhori wake up and go to the lounge room. I tried to ignore her for a while and get back to sleep but couldn’t for long so I went out too. She was so excited to see the wall decoration. She said “Happy Birthday Mama.” She has been saying that for a week now every day.

She has been saying to everyone who listens to her, “We are having a Halloween party. I am a witch and mama is a witch and papa is a skeleton.” In a sweet little voice. It was so good to see her so excited.

I let AS sleep for a while and after breakfast, started preparing for the party. It was nice to receive calls, messages and posts from family and friends wishing me on my birthday.

AS woke up and continued with the decoration for a while as I prepared special food like witches fingers and spider eggs. The biggest task was to pull off this special Brain cake.

While looking for Halloween cake ideas, AS came up with this idea for a Brain cake, which took some convincing on his part. I was not too sure at first but I am just glad we did it. We were super excited when the cake came to life at the end. It was hard work on both our sides but it was worth it. I will post a step by step on how we did it on my next post.

Then AS made the drink and by the time everything was ready the guests started to arrive.

We got dressed , Me and Chhori as witches and AS as skeleton.

Our guests were all dressed in different outfit like nuns, pirates, skeletons, devils, vampires and so on and our apartment was looked like one cool place.

Everyone was impressed by the decorations and the cake and everything else so it was really great. I am so glad that all the effort AS made with the decoration was so great that whole night everyone was talking about it.

After the entrée, we had a few games planned for the children and adults and it went well. Everyone enjoyed it and had fun and took heaps of photos.

Then it was dinner time and the special moment where I cut the cake. I was expecting people to gross out over the cake but everyone was excited, especially the kids with the cake.

We had a great party and it was definitely a success looking at everyone’s reaction.

That night when we went to bed, we thought we have to do this all over again the next day. As we had different groups of people, we thought it was a good idea to invite people in different groups which meant on Sunday we started the same routine with all the food.

Decorations were already done and making the cake was easier this time around.

All the guests were dressed up this time as well and we had fun. By the time, the last guest left on Sunday, we were so tired that we went to bed straight away.

Having late night for 3 days in a row was not a great idea but I had an awesome weekend for my birthday. I feel so blessed to have AS in my life who made sure I had a great time and all my friends and family who were there for me.

Take care,

M from nepaliaustralian


P.S: Do not forget to nominate your favourite blog . NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2017