Tag Archives: aboriginal

Suprise win

My workplace always has something going on all the time like Footy tipping competition, trivia and other fun stuffs. Normally I don’t participate because I think I don’t have enough knowledge or I am too busy at work.

But a few weeks ago when they sent about Trivia for NAIDOC (National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee) Week, I decided to play as well.

They sent out 5 sets of Trivia for 5 days. Some of them were easy and others were easy to find using Google but there were questions which I could not find anywhere.

Anyway, I did the trivia to the best of my knowledge though it was definitely not easy but I was glad to have done it as I learn so much during the process.

Anyway, the result for the competition was announced and surprise, surprise, I won second prize. It would have been amazing to win the first prize but still, coming in second was awesome. I wasn’t expecting to win but when I did, it made me feel very happy.

Here is what I won. A goodie bag full of aboriginal stuff including a big towel, book marker, key chain, a small bag full of stationery, mug, keep cup and many more other stuffs.


So from now on I am going to participate in as many competition as possible 🙂

Have you won some completion unexpectedly, do share your story here.

Take care,

M from nepaliaustralian