Category Archives: Chhora said

Chhora turns 5 !!!

And just like that, my beautiful boy turns 5 today.

I can’t believe how fast time has flown by. It feels like just yesterday you were a tiny bundle in my arms, and now you’re a big boy with a heart full of love and a spirit full of adventure. I love you so much, and I am so grateful that you came into our lives to complete our family.

Dear Chhora,

Thank you for choosing me to be your mum. From the moment I first held you, I saw so much in your eyes that it brought tears to mine.

I love it when you say “I love you” 100 times a day. Each time, it melts my heart anew. I love it when you shower me with kisses; every one of them is precious to me.

As you grow older, I see your personality shining through—gentle, fun-loving, and outgoing. I adore every bit of who you are becoming, and I am so proud to be a part of your life.

Your curiosity and zest for life are truly inspiring. Whether you’re building blocks, drawing your favourite characters, or simply running around the garden with boundless energy, you bring so much joy and laughter into our home. Watching you discover the world has been one of the greatest joys of my life.

I love how you always try to make everyone around you smile, whether it’s with a funny joke or a kind gesture. Your heart is as big as your smile, and you have a way of making even the simplest moments special.

I am amazed by how much you’ve grown in these five years, not just in height but in wisdom and kindness. You have a bright future ahead of you, and I can’t wait to see all the wonderful things you will achieve.

Please stay the wonderful, loving boy you are. Keep dreaming big and never lose your sense of wonder. Remember that you are loved more than words can express, and we will always be here to support you, cheer you on, and love you unconditionally.

We love you so much and always will.

With all my love,


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Chhora said !!!

So, the other day, Chhora asked me how old he would be tomorrow. I said, “Four.” Then he asked, “What about the day after tomorrow?” Again, I said, “Four.” He was relentless—”What about next week?” I replied, “Still four, until June 14.”

He was visibly upset, wondering why he’s always four years old and not five like his friends. This led to a mini tantrum about the unfairness of being perpetually four.

It reminded me of a similar conversation I had with Chhori when she was his age. She too went through this phase of wanting to grow up as quickly as possible, and it made me realize that all kids seem to go through this at some point.

Isn’t it funny how kids are in such a hurry to grow up? They don’t understand that we parents would sometimes love to pause time and keep them small for just a little longer.

Have you ever experienced this with your little ones, them wanting to grow up so fast? How do you handle it? I’d love to hear your stories!

Please read other Chhora said here .

M from Nepaliaustralian


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🌟🎉 Chhora said: Big Slim 🎉🌟

Can you believe it? Our little Chhora is turning 5 this month! Time has flown by so fast; it feels like just yesterday he was learning to crawl.

As is our family tradition, we always try to buy something special to mark our kids’ birthdays. This year, I wanted to know what Chhora had in mind for his big day. Here’s how our conversation went:

Me: “Your birthday is coming up! What do you want as your birthday present?”

Chhora: “Slime!”

Me: “No, something big! It’s your birthday, after all.”

Chhora: “Big slime!”

I couldn’t help but laugh. Our boy knows exactly what he wants! Looks like we’ll be getting the biggest batch of slime ever. 😊

Please read other Chhora said here .

M from Nepaliaustralian


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Chhora said: Why I Am 4 Years Old All the Time

So, the other day, Chhora asked me how old he would be tomorrow. I said, “Four.” Then he asked, “What about the day after tomorrow?” Again, I said, “Four.” He was relentless—”What about next week?” I replied, “Still four, until June 14.”

He was visibly upset, wondering why he’s always four years old and not five like his friends. This led to a mini tantrum about the unfairness of being perpetually four.

It reminded me of a similar conversation I had with Chhori when she was his age. She too went through this phase of wanting to grow up as quickly as possible, and it made me realize that all kids seem to go through this at some point.

Isn’t it funny how kids are in such a hurry to grow up? They don’t understand that we parents would sometimes love to pause time and keep them small for just a little longer.

Have you ever experienced this with your little ones, them wanting to grow up so fast? How do you handle it? I’d love to hear your stories!

M from Nepaliaustralian


Chhora said : Rain !!!

Driving with my little guy is always an adventure, especially when his imagination kicks into high gear!

Case in point: one night, as we’re cruising along, he hits me with this gem:

Son: “Hey mama, where’s the button to spray water and clean the car?”

Me: “It’s over here on my side,.”

Son: “Push it, Mama!”

Me: “Not right now, sweetie. I’m driving, and it’s dark out. It could be dangerous.”

Son: with all the confidence in the world “Don’t worry, Mum. The car will think it’s raining, and the wipers will do the cleaning for you.”

And just like that, he unveils his genius solution made me realise just how limitless a child’s imagination can be.

Please read other Chhora said here .

Have a nice weekend !!!

M from Nepaliaustralian