Chhora said : Rain !!!

Driving with my little guy is always an adventure, especially when his imagination kicks into high gear!

Case in point: one night, as we’re cruising along, he hits me with this gem:

Son: “Hey mama, where’s the button to spray water and clean the car?”

Me: “It’s over here on my side,.”

Son: “Push it, Mama!”

Me: “Not right now, sweetie. I’m driving, and it’s dark out. It could be dangerous.”

Son: with all the confidence in the world “Don’t worry, Mum. The car will think it’s raining, and the wipers will do the cleaning for you.”

And just like that, he unveils his genius solution made me realise just how limitless a child’s imagination can be.

Please read other Chhora said here .

Have a nice weekend !!!

M from Nepaliaustralian


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