Guest Posts

Hey there, awesome readers of Nepaliaustralian!

Exciting news: I’ve decided to open up the floor for guest posts right here on nepaliaustralian. Why? Well, I reckon it’s about time we shook things up and brought in some fresh voices to the party. I mean, as much as I love yapping away, there’s a whole world of ideas out there beyond my own noggin. Plus, let’s be real – I’m always up for learning something new, and guest posts are a cracking way to do just that.

But here’s the best part: I’m throwing open the doors not just for seasoned bloggers, but for anyone with a yarn to spin. Yep, even if you’ve never dipped your toes into the blogosphere before, I want to hear from you! Consider this your golden ticket to dip your toes into the writing pool.

So, if you’ve got a ripper idea that you reckon would tickle the fancy of my readers, hit me up at or drop a line in the comments. Whether it’s a deep dive into Nepali culture, a hilarious anecdote about your latest travels, or some sage advice on navigating intercultural relationships – if it’s useful, it’s fair game.

Not sure where to start? Here, let me toss a few ideas your way:

  • Cultural insights that’ll make us go “whoa”
  • Tales from the heart of Nepal
  • Musings on what it means to be Nepali
  • The wild ride of marriage (intercultural or otherwise)
  • Heartwarming family stories
  • Wanderlust-inducing travel diaries

Now, before you start furiously typing away, a couple of ground rules:

  • Your post has gotta be as fresh as a daisy – original content only, please!
  • Aim for a word count between 500 and 1500, give or take.
  • Feel free to jazz up your piece with some snazzy images – just make sure they’re yours or you’ve got the proper permissions.
  • No sleazy sales pitches or shameless self-promotion, okay? We’re here for quality content, not spam.
  • And while I’m all for spreading the love, let’s keep the external links in check, yeah?
  • Oh, and just a heads up: I might tweak your masterpiece a tad before it goes live, but I promise to run any changes by you first.

Now, let’s get this guest post party started! Just a heads-up though: I’m all about sharing the love, but if you’re after a platform to spruik your business, this ain’t it. Personal blogs? Bring ‘em on. Commercial ventures? Not so much.

Sound like your cup of tea? Get scribbling – I can’t wait to see what magic you come up with!

Thanks for your interest in writing a guest post for nepaliaustralian. Please check out the guest blogs here.


14 responses to “Guest Posts

  1. Thank you fro these ideas that you have shared. I am ready to write for your blog. How to send my article?

  2. I found some interesting travel blogs on this site and I’m interested in writing a guest post.

  3. After seeing your page, we would like to provide you a link on our blog. It is related about Nepal’s related post. Which might be useful for visitors. Please check below our blog, If you think it’s worth to share via your site, please don’t hesitate to publish.

  4. Hi! I absolutely love Asian desserts and so i thought about adding a guest blog that has the recipes for it! I would love to be able to contribute to this page in the above specified manner!

  5. You are giving us an opportunity to put our content in your blog. It’s such a glad moment for us to guest post in such popular blog.


  6. A best way to share our Knowledge is through guest post.A guest post in such a popular website.Thank you for giving us an opportunity.


  7. Hi, I am in UAE, helping Nepali chefs to write their traditional recipes for a cookbook. Found your site on Google. Actually went to the Recipe section and then found the other sections in your blog and found it so interesting that I continued reading and reading…….God luck to you and your loved ones. Thank you for sharing your recipes about Nepal. Warm regards….Sucorrina

  8. We are two Italian freinds that decided to travel the world and currently living in Nicaragua. We are just starting our blog about travelling and discovering Nicaragua.
    I was wondering if we could work together and maybe write a guest post for you with a link to our blog or our profile…

    I really hope so


    Matthew M.

  9. Ohoo how exciting Stacey. Have a great time in Nepal with your new family and big congratulation as well.

    I am not sure if I am a right person to give you advice but will share what I did when I first meet my in laws.

    I wore Kurta so I can fit easily and bought some sweets as a gift to my mother in law. I spoke less and listen more. I was bit nervous initially but they made me feel welcome and got more comfortable after a while. Now after 3 years, I talk to my MIL more than my husband does and she has become my second mum.

    If you really what to impress, wear kurta as they love non Nepali to wear traditional outfit or wear something not revealing like long pants and sleeve tops as you know Nepali society is bit conservative. I am sure your boyfriend will be great help as he knows his family best and should suggest what to do . Don’t worry too much and just be yourself and they will love you. All the best.

    I will love to hear from you after you meet them. Take care and have a great time in Nepal.

  10. I am about to return to Nepal to visit my Nepali boyfriend. I will be meeting his family for first time. His father passed away, so I will be meeting mother and sisters. I am nervous and would love some advice.

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