Things Chhori says : 5 teen :)

Chhori is really interested in reading and writing these days.

She even watches educational videos on Youtube Kids.

The other day we got a paper from childcare where she had written her own name.

She can also write from A to J (not to Z yet).

On top of that we discovered during the holiday that she can spell her name so we started teaching her other words like “Papa”, “Mama”, “Food”, “Cat” etc.

Anyway, she can say A to Z and A for Apple to Z for Zebra.

She can also count well till 20 and with a little help can do up to 50 but there are some numbers she makes mistake with but even that is so cute when she says them.

So she will go 1, 2, ………10, 11, 12,13, 14 and 5teen instead of 15. She also says 29, twenty10 instead of 30.

We are definitely correcting her every time we hear them but it is so good to see her willingness to learn.

We read to her every day before bed and try to get her to spell the words as well.

Do you recommend any apps or special videos to keep her inquisitive mind busy? 

Take care ,

M from nepaliaustralian


Please follow me on Instagram!



3 responses to “Things Chhori says : 5 teen :)

  1. Good morning, Australian. Glad to see that Chhori is learning well. I hope she will say G for G’day mate.

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