My Special Mother’s Day

As I mentioned on my previous post, this year was my first Mother’s Day after my wedding. In my culture, you have to make the event special as it will be the first time a married daughter brings food and gifts for her mother from her home (husband’s home). If I was in Nepal, I would need to do all the preparation and make sure my mum had a great day but as I am so far away, my mother in law made sure that the ritual was done properly.

I am so happy that my in laws, mostly my MIL, made such a great effort to make sure my mum’s day was special. She did all the shopping and all the preparations and my FIL helped her a lot. Then my two BILs went and presented the foods and gifts to my mother. They also took these photos for us to see. I am so grateful and thankful for my new family for taking care of this and making sure things went great.

Have a look at the photos below and you can see traditional Newari Mother’s Day celebration. There are Sagun (egg, bara, whisky, fish, yoghurt and meat), also lots of fruits and rotis. It lookes so yummy. My mum also got a sari, a cake and masala. I really wish I could have been there to help prepare for it and to see the smile on my mum’s face.

20 responses to “My Special Mother’s Day

  1. Pingback: Kushe Aunshi (Father’s Day) | nepaliaustralian


    What a wonderful way of showing appreciation to your mother in Mata Tritha Puja (Nepali Mother’s Day) by sending all these beautiful gifts of food, fruits, sweets, dry fruits and saree…..awesome pictures….Your mother-in-law must be a really really nice lady ….doing all this for you!

    • I feel blessed to have two wonderful families in my life. MY MIL doesn’t have a daughter of her own so she consider me as her daughter which makes me really happy and lucky.

  3. Thank goodness it’s almost dinnertime for me, because your food pictures look so mouthwatering!

  4. My gosh, what a feast! How much was left of the whiskey?

  5. Is this a religious day or cultural? What’s the day called in it’s native terms?
    Delicious food (as usual that goes with all festivals back home). My favorite picture is the one with bottle 🙂

  6. Wow! This was quite a celebration!

  7. yummy dish wow

  8. That’s pretty sweet! Everything looks so delicious 😀 Sounds like everything went well, so that’s always good.

  9. Great photos. I’m so glad your parents in law are so good to your parents. What a gift!

  10. That looks amazing! I have a question for you. How did you label your pictures with a copyright logo? I have no idea how to do it…

    • Thanks.
      I use Photoshop to add copyright logo. :).
      Otherwise you can type that in word, it is under Insert–> Symbol in the toolbar and copy that to whatever software you are using.
      Hope this helps.

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