Nepaliaustralian turns 6!!!

I can’t believe that nepaliaustralian is turning 6 already. It is so much older than Chhori and this blog is like my second child. 🙂

September 13 will always remain a special day for me and the fact that I am still blogging and writing this post to celebrate the amazing journey I have had through this blog, I couldn’t be any happier.

This blog was not a something I planned. I was just following many blogs and commenting my on them. Then I realised that some of the fellow bloggers were interested in my comments and we sometimes had a chat on a blog post with ideas and views. That made me realise that maybe some people might be interested in what I have to share and the blog just followed from that realization.

I know many of my blogger friends from when I started have moved on to different phases of their life but I am so glad to know them via their blogs online or even offline. I have even met a few of these wonderful people and without this blog, it won’t have been possible at all.

Today the blog has 974 posts, 78 pages, 10,135 comments with 1,604,274 page views, 4377 followers and 981,658 readers from 222 countries visiting my blog :).

As I kept on writing, I have met and known so many wonderful people in this last 6 years and today I want to take the opportunity to thank them. You know who you are and I value your presence in my life. Thank you for encouraging me, reading my rants and giving so much love to me, AS and Chhori.

Thank you for liking my posts as well as providing comments on my posts.  Thank you to those who email me with words of encouragement and making me realise that my blog has helped them in some way. I feel blessed to be in the company of all the wonderful human beings who have helped to make my blog what it is today. Your support always encourages me to write more.

I have a virtual cake for all to hand around! Cheers!!!

P.S: To celebrate the occasion like every year, I will be opening the nominations for Nepaliaustralian’s Blog Award 2017 so watch out for my future post.

Take care everyone,

M from nepaliaustralian



13 responses to “Nepaliaustralian turns 6!!!

  1. Congratulations and well done! I too love chatting with bloggers and even meeting them (check out one of my latest posts where I talk about one blogger who came to stay with me and my family recently)! It’s been a (mostly) happy life in this blogging world and I understand your joy very much indeed!

  2. Congratulation! keep going … all the best ! 🙂

  3. Happy #6 Anniversary for Blogging, dear! 🎉 🍰 🎈
    💞 You have plenty of love you share with your readers.
    ✨ You are a star in our eyes.🌟
    🎆 You are outspoken and like a firecracker!
    👨‍👩‍👧We knew you as a young wife; now you are a Mommy and have a family.
    May you have a wonderful celebration! 🌸

  4. Congratulations! I also had my 4 year anniversary last week, will have to write about it soonish 🙂

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