Nepaliaustralian turns two!!!

Hello everyone,

Join me to celebrate nepaliaustralians’ birthday as it is two years old today.


So many amazing things have happened in the past years because of this blog. Starting a blog was one of the best things I’ve ever done. This little blog has documented so many moments and thoughts of mine over the last two years that I am incredibly thankful to have a little space in this corner of the internet. For me this space has and will always be a place where I can write and ramble to my heart’s content. Over the years I’ve found that with age, my memory fades and the words and photos here bring back to life little moments that would have been otherwise forgotten.


When I started this blog two years ago, I never thought I would last more than a couple of months. I was just writing to share my stories but was not sure anyone would ever read it so thank you to everyone for all the support that you have provided and now I am determined not to quit this blog for a long time to come.

Thank you for reading, thank you for caring, thank you for commenting, thank you for helping make this blog something I love writing. This blog has given me many good friends and I wanted to say thank you to all of you for your love and support along the way. I have the greatest readers, I really do and I am so appreciative of this great blogging community.

I can’t believe I have written 507 posts, 59 pages, have 5277 comments with 321,030 page views and 2218 followers today as well as people from more than 206 countries visiting my blog!

Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

I have a virtual cake for all to hand around! Cheers!!!

P.S: To celebrate the occasion, I have decided to start a Nepaliaustralian’s Blog Award so watch out for my next post.

Please read these posts for more information.

*Nepaliaustralian turns one!!! * *About

43 responses to “Nepaliaustralian turns two!!!

  1. Congratulations on sticking with writing for two whole years! Awesome posts and amazing effort shown! Many more to come, I hope!

  2. Wow Congratulations M !! I must just 2 years and you have a whole lot of information covered already, keep going girl !

  3. Congratulations on the two-year anniversary of your blog!
    Appreciate the hard work you put in to make it educational and enjoyable for your reading audience. Looking forward to many more in the years to come.

  4. Congratulations!!!! I love this blog, and I’m happy it’s around 🙂

  5. congratulations 🙂 that’s quite the milestone.

  6. Wow, congratulations !! The numbers show its a huge achievement. Keep posting!!

  7. Wow, congratulations and if you ever need affirmation of how valued you are and that what you have to share is interesting, come back and read your post here, you have a wonderful genuine way of sharing your thoughts and experiences and culture that is very much appreciated. Bonne Continuation!

  8. Happy birthday!!!! A big congrats to you M, for creating a space that is related to many people around the globe. A space where your thoughts are preserved for many generations to come, a space where I think is the only place to learn about nepali culture, traditions online!!!! And I think your blog is best at it. I have not found as effective way of describing out culture than in your posts. Thanks a lot for keeping on writing. And I am shocked how you manage everything by urself all alone. God bless.

  9. Congratulations! You have a wonderful, insightful blog. I don’t follow many religiously, but yours is one.

  10. Selamat!!!!
    Congratulation my friend, keep sharing and inspiring then…….

  11. Happy Blogiversary! two years…wow! Did they fly by quickly?

  12. Happy Birthday NA,
    Your blogs are a pleasure to read 🙂

  13. Congratulations and happy 2nd anniversary.

  14. Congratulations! It’s a great achievement, I always enjoy reading your blog

  15. Happy 2nd birthday to your blog M di, I’m so thankful and blessed to find your blog as I’ve learned many things from it. I know more of the Nepali culture that’s very close to my heart and thank you for answering my emails:)

    I wish you more success, happiness and blessing and thank you for sharing your stories in this blog. Godbless you and AS! 🙂

    xoxo :)♥

  16. happy birthday Nepaliaustralian(living in west with values of east). your blog is really awesome. may your blog celebrate many birthdays years to come.

  17. Here is wishing you a celebratory CONGRATULATIONS and happy second birthday. The cake was virtually DELICIOUS! :).

  18. Congratulations M, may your blog have many more years memorable years to come 🙂

  19. Huge Congratulations to you! What an accomplishment. Your wide assortment of posts keep things interesting! I am so happy I found your blog. Keep it going. Hugs and best wishes! Koko❀ ✿ ❁ ✾

  20. Hehe happy birthday and thanks for the cake ;)……hope you will writing for ever 🙂

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