Nepaliaustralian turns 3!!!

I am very pleased to announce that it is the three-year anniversary of nepaliaustralian tomorrow. As I am going to be away for next few days, I thought I would write a post today.

Right now I am at airport waiting to board :). Feeling exited and happy to be away from daily life. I am already in relaxation mode.

It was on September 13th, 2011 that I first published my first post and to be honest it doesn’t feel that long ago. I guess this is how things work when you love what you are doing, time just flies and you look back and wonder how quick it went.

So many amazing things have happened in the past years because of this blog. Starting a blog was one of the best things I’ve ever done. This little blog has documented so many moments and thoughts of mine over the last three years that I am incredibly thankful to have a little space in this corner of the internet. For me, this space has and will always be a place where I can write and ramble to my heart’s content. Over the years I’ve found that with age, my memory fades and the words and photos here bring back to life little moments that would have been otherwise forgotten.

Overall it’s been a very rewarding, challenging and exciting learning curve to share these years with you and I wanted to thank you all deeply for all your interactions. Thank you for reading, thank you for caring, thank you for commenting, thank you for helping make this blog something I love writing. This blog has given me many good friends and I wanted to say thank you to all of you for your love and support along the way. I have the greatest readers, I really do and I am so appreciative of this great blogging community.

Today the blog has garnered 743 posts, 68 pages, have 7654 comments with 677,956 page views and 3455 followers as well as people from more than 220 countries visiting my blog!

So, Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! I promise to continue with this blog, on a frequent or semi-frequent basis as long as I am cable of writing my thoughts. Whether this is your first time visiting or you have been here since the beginning, I hope my posts go on to bring you much insight and joy.

I have a virtual cake for all to hand around! Cheers!!!

nepaliaustralian third birthday

P.S: To celebrate the occasion like last year, I will be opening nomination for Nepaliaustralian’s Blog Award 2014 so watch out for my next post.

See you everyone after my vacation, till then take care everyone.

M from nepaliaustralian


20 responses to “Nepaliaustralian turns 3!!!

  1. Happy blog-iversarry!!!!!! xoxo

  2. Congratulations! You are an inspiration to all of us new bloggers. Love all the content, recipes, and much more. Keep up the good work!

  3. Yay! Three years for you and it’s my three month blogiversary! Happy day to you and here’s to many more posts, new friends and fun. 😀

  4. happy 3rd Aniversary Nepaliaustralian ! Incredible job of a blogger. Thankx a lot for giving us simple still amazing posts. Wishing you many more blogging milestones to come. 🙂

    • Thank you so much my dear. Your love and support has kept me going and hope to see you around in many more years to come. I am so glad to have some one like you reading my posts and commenting with your beautiful thoughts. Thanks you gal.

  5. Great – Congratulations !!!

  6. Congratulations for the 3rd blog anniversary 🙂

  7. Thats a great achievement. You have completed a major milestone on blogging. Congrats.
    Happy blogging.

  8. Happy #3 Anniversary of blogging! Congratulations, my dear friend! Thanks for ‘being there’ for me, while I try to keep up with you! smiles, Robin

  9. Oh wow congratulations…what an achievement it is..I’ve been reading and following your post for last 1 year and it’s been so much fun, motivational, inspirational and interesting. Keep doing what you are doing. Enjoy your holidays 😀

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