Tag Archives: life

Happy New Year 2019

Hello everyone, 

First of all, a very Happy New Year 2019. 

Hope all of you had a great holiday and are looking forward to an amazing 2019. 

Thank you everyone who sent me emails, dm on Twitter and Instagram. I really appreciate all the love you have been sending my way. 

I know I have been MIA for a while but life has been so busy that it is hard to sit down and write but I have decided to make at more effort this year. 

So much has happened in the last few months so I thought I will give you a quick update. 

In August, we bought a new place and moved in and that is one of the biggest reason why I am so busy. Before moving we were busy packing and I couldn’t have imagined how much stuff we had accumulated. It took us more than two weeks to pack, a whole day to move and I am still unpacking boxes and fixing stuff in our new house. 

One of the reason we decided to move was to get a place with a backyard. Now that Chhori is growing up, we realised that she needs more space to be active so our unit was feeling too small. 

After moving, Chhori has been really happy enjoying the stairs and the backyard. 

In September, we celebrated Teej with friends and family.

We also celebrated father’s day which was great. Chhori helped me bake and we surprised AS with breakfast in bed. 

We also celebrated Nepali Father’s Day.

October was super busy with Dashain as we had so many things to do and so many people to visit but I am not complaining as we are able to celebrate this big festival even though we are not in Nepal. 

Then on 28 October, we celebrated my birthday with visit to a circus and an amazing lunch. AS organized the surprise for us and Chhori and I had a great time.  

In November, we did Ghar Puja for our new place as we had for the previous one.

It was followed by Tihar. We had great time as Chhori is old enough to understand and she enjoyed each ceremony.

She loved her gift from her brother for Bhai Tika. 

December was busy at both work and home. We celebrated Christmas with friends and family and it was AS birthday on 28. We celebrated the traditional way with sagun and of course cake 🙂 .  

At the end of the month, we went to Melbourne for our holiday. I will write more about it in my next post. Till then please keep reading my blog and sending me your love and support. 

Take care. 

 M from nepaliaustralian


Life – Death and in-between

In a span of 2 years, I have seen so many of our dear ones leave this world.

It started with my MIL’s sister with cancer followed by my dad’s sister, cancer again. Then after a while we lost AS’s grandma due to old age and them my mum’s sister (cancer) and then very recently my dad’s brother (kidney problem).

Going through all this grief in such a short period of time, I started thinking about death more seriously.

I know death is the only thing which we all know is certain but still when our near and dear ones pass away, we are left with pain and grief. Just because we all know everyone is going to leave this earth doesn’t make our pain any easier.

But at the same time I am appreciating life more. I am trying to enjoy time with friends and family doing things I love to do and living my life to the fullest so if I don’t wake up tomorrow, I know I will have no regret.

It is definitely lot harder to do than I have planned but I am going to keep this in mind.

Life is definitely unpredictable and too short for egos in relationships.

Surrounding myself with like mined and positive people will make it worth living. I am making the most of my time, saying what I want to and doing what I want to do. Nobody should be taken for granted and it works both way.

Someone’s death is a reminder for us that life is shorter than we think.

Hope I could provoke your thought about life and death and see this world slightly differently as no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

M from nepaliaustralian


P.S: Do not forget to  check out winners of  NEPALIAUSTRALIAN’s Blog Award 2017

I feel blessed…

I am sure I am not alone in this boat. There are days/ week where you feel down and don’t want to do anything, meet anyone and feel as if your life is going nowhere. You just see everything around you and nothing is going according to your plan.

I am having one of those days and I feel like I need to jerking myself out of it and tell myself that I have many blessing to count and I should not waste time thinking about nonsense.

So that is what I am doing right now.

  • I am blessed with good health which so many people in this world wish for.

  • I am blessed to have loving parents who will do anything to make me happy and have been so supportive and caring throughout my life. I am where I am because of their sacrifice and love. I should never forget that even when I am down.

  • I am blessed to have a hubby who completes me in every way. He knows every small thing about me and tries his best to keep a smile on my face. I am so blessed to get a partner who is my love, friend and my life. Nothing can change our bond and I am so proud to say that.

  • I am blessed to have a daughter who is my world, my heartbeat and absolute cutie pie. When she hugs me, kisses me or says “I love you Mama”, the world becomes a happier place. She is a source of happiness in our lives. Sometime I become selfish and want to stop time as I don’t want her to grow up.

  • I am blessed to have a job which helps me to provide family with food, a roof on our head and life’s various needs.
  • I am blessed to be living in a country where I don’t have to worry about day to day stuff and don’t need to fight for our rights.
  • I am blessed to have friends and family who care about me and my happiness. Even if they may not be many, the care and love is real and it matters a lot.

Writing this is already making me feel better.

Please share your own list and hope that list can bring a smile on your face every time you are down or unhappy.

Have a great day everyone.

M from nepaliaustralian



Chhori update

Chhori is 18 months old now, a big girl compared to a year ago. Time is just flying by.

Chhori pasni (5)

It is so true when they say children are like sponge as they absorb everything and it is no different with Chhori.


Recently, she has learned to indicate Yes and No by nodding. I think she is learning all this from the rhymes but she looks absolutely gorgeous when she does them. Also, just yesterday she was putting her both hands on her mouth while laughing. She always manages to amaze me with new stuff every day.


AS had been a great dad and constantly teaches her new stuff and I love watching their interaction. She is definitely becoming demanding now but AS always manages to handle her by teaching that you give in somewhere to get something.

chhori-7 chhori-4

I am so happy that he is so patient with our daughter as I don’t have lots of patience :). I love her to death but sometime she seems to know how to drive me mad.


On the other hand, she has wrapped her grandparents around her ting fingers. She always gets my mum and dad to give her a massage especially her legs. And it has to be both the legs at the same time, one by grandma and one by grandad.


My mum scolds her sometimes when she misbehaves, and threatens to spank her. Now she actually comes to me complaining when I come home and though she can’t say it but shows me a spanking action to complain.


She will miss them a lot when they leave next year.


Her eating habit is changing slowly and we are giving her mostly the same food that we eat. She had 5 chicken steamed momos yesterday proving she is definitely Nepalese. momoShe loves to eat everything on her own too. Sometimes it is a problem because with rice it can get very messy but we are teaching her how to use a spoon.

chhori (1)

Last week it was her 18 months immunisation and again this time also she didn’t cry at all. I held her the whole time while the GP gave her the shot, but not a sound was made. She was just curious like last time and watched the needle go into her arms. There was a little blood this time but it didn’t make any difference. I am so happy she didn’t cry.

Second needle in and she kept watching it go inside

More updates soon.

Take care everyone,

M from nepaliaustralian


Back to work, back to reality

Today, after almost a year of maternity leave, I am back at work and it feels so sad. I know I am very lucky to have had the option to stay home and look after my daughter for so long but after spending almost every moment together for the last one year, I left home this morning with a heavy heart.

We are lucky to have my parents here to look after Chhori in my absence but it doesn’t make it any easier on my heart.

This morning when I was getting ready for work, Chhori saw me getting dressed and thought that we were going out together. She wanted me to hold her so I did and she even waved good bye to my mum. Poor baby thought she is going out with me.

Before coming to work, I asked her to kiss me and she happily obliged. Here is our happy snap from the morning.

first day at work

I know this is the normal course of life and I have little choice but I miss her so much. It will be a hard few days for both of us before we get used to the situation.

M from nepaliaustralian