Nepaliaustralian turns 5!!!

Nepaliaustralian is not a baby anymore; it is turning BIG 5 years today.

Today is 13 September and there is something special on this date. Exactly 5 years ago, on this day I hit the button “Publish” for the first time and today after 5 years, I am still here writing this post. I really thought I wouldn’t last this long but at the same time I am so glad I am still here.

This 5 year time period was a learning phase for me. I had bad times where I was really slow in posting and I had good ones when I posted almost every day.

They have been fantastic years and a great learning experience and of course my life has changed so much in these 5 years. From a just-married person, I am a mother now and I am so happy to share my motherhood journey through this blog.

chhori (7)

Today the blog has 908 posts, 77 pages, 9518 comments with 1,331,800 page views, 4078 followers and 678,912 readers from 222 countries visiting my blog. :).

Also Nepaliaustralian blog award has been part of this blog.

So, Thank you!!!

I would like to thank all my blog followers; supporters who continue to show their love towards my blog by liking my posts as well as providing comments on my post.  Thank you to those who email me with words of encouragement and making me realise that my blog has helped them in some way. I feel blessed to be in the company of all the wonderful human beings who have helped to make my blog what it is today. Your support always encourages me to write more.

I have a virtual cake for all to hand around! Cheers!!!


Take care everyone,

M from nepaliaustralian


17 responses to “Nepaliaustralian turns 5!!!

  1. Congratulations and sorry so late. Happiness wished year round to you, your husband and Chhori. ❤

  2. Wow!! You are all of five!

  3. Congratulations! It takes quite a bit of commitment to keep going at that pace and for so long.. So, Well done!

  4. Happy Anniversary! Wow, 5 years is a long time for anything, but especially for blogging. Congratulations and thank you. Write on!

  5. Congratulations on completing 5 years of blogging, and on keeping it lively and interesting 🙂 I just began mine this year.. hope to keep it going like you do!

    • Thank you so much. When I started the blog, I didn’t know where I was heading but after 5 years I am glad I have reached here. I am sure you will get here in no time, just remember to blog even when you are down and share that with us. You will be surprised how much support are there in blogging world. Also glad to discovere your blog 🙂

      • Really appreciate the encouragement! Looking forward to growing as a blogger and drawing inspiration from a lot of us out there.. hope you had a good 5 year celebration!!

  6. Congratulations! And keep going! 🙂

  7. Happppppppppppy birthday NA blog.. keep growing

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